regarding KPF

ian reinhart geiser geiseri at
Thu Apr 18 16:07:33 BST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 18 April 2002 10:13 am, Hetz Ben Hamo wrote:
> > kpf can generate a list of the files you ripped so you can access them
> > over HTTP, but I don't think it should be merged with cdbakeoven and
> > kaudiocreator.
> Well, regarding KPF - I have shown it to few people at my computers course
> and they really liked that (aside from the fact that I cannot install them
> KDE 3.0 on Windows native - go explain them that they see Linux), but 2
> people were asking if there is a chance that the author of KPF will add a
> limited functionality of upload files (to a world writable directory for
> example)..
> Any chance for this wish to become reality? :)

PWS in KDE nonbeta supports file uploads to a directory.  The current problem 
with it is decodeing the mime data.  The process of uploading is very 
trivial, for me the hard part was getting a decent UI.

So 3 options are to get rik to use my code (very unlikely to work with kpf), 
get rik to add post support (only likely if he wants to and has time) or kick 
me in the ass to get PWS fixed...  Since it is about 6 on my top 10 list of 
things to do in the next weeks that too may not be the best solution.

Just my 2c
- -ian reinhart geiser
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