Go button in Konqueror hidden by ">>"

Cristian Tibirna tibirna at kde.org
Thu Apr 18 03:40:02 BST 2002

On Wednesday, 17 April 2002 21:29, John Firebaugh wrote:
> In reference to:
> http://bugs.kde.org/db/26/26553.html
> Please review the attached patch.

This indeed makes the Go button appear in the >> menu now (when the >> is 
present), which is already better. So, from this POV, I'd say, commit (and 
notice qt-bugs), as this handles the 1-pixel-only overflow that can appear 
with any other toolbar. But IMHO we should find why the heck the >> button 
appears there in the first place.

I start to believe it's a redraw/layout error in the ... qcombobox! Or in the 
qtoolbar/ktoolbar when a qcombobox is inserted into it. I attempt to look 
into this, but I will just explain my observations, maybe somebody knows 
already what happens (wish Sven was still around).

I also understand why the bug:26553 was speaking about the >> appearing after 
visiting bugs.kde.org. Look at this url:


This is the longest url in the dropdown of my "Location" combobox. The >> 
button appears at the exact moment where the lenght of the "Location" 
combobox becomes too small for the dropdown to host this long string in its 

As I'd expect it, the dropdown should gain a horizontal scrollbar as soon as 
its width becomes too small for the longest item in it. It doesn't. 

On the contrary, it seems that at the very moment the dropdown becomes one 
pixel (or more) narrower than the longest item, the layout of the qcombobox 
seems to be reported miscalculated (obviously some "off by one" error), it 
pushes the Go button one pixel (always one pixel) over the edge of the 
toolbar, and the >> button automatically appears because the sum of all 
toolbar elements is always one pixel larger than the lenght of the toolbar. 

Enlarging the width of konq enough makes the >> button go away (of course, 
depending on the lenght of the longest URL, this might require widths of konq 
window larger than the physical screen's width).

Now, off to hunting the problem... not obvious how to...


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