KXConfig [patch]

Joseph Wenninger jowenn at bigfoot.com
Sun Apr 14 11:17:26 BST 2002


On Sunday 14 April 2002 07:58, Simon Hausmann wrote:
> - We didn't want to launch kcontrol, etc. in the standalone mode.
>   KXConfig also works when there is no X11 running (and no
>   XFree86Config installed) . In that case it performs probing
>   through ddcprobe and XFree86 -configure and then starts a minimal
>   X with itself and twm as window manager.

Should the window fit onto a 640x480 screen in the stand alone mode ?

I tried starting it here, but I could see only half of the quit button. It 
seems the window would have the correct size, if it had no decoration.

Kind regards
Joseph Wenninger

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