Behavior of focused links in KHTML

Dirk Mueller mueller at
Wed Apr 10 23:50:58 BST 2002

On Mit, 10 Apr 2002, John Firebaugh wrote:

> What is the use of focusing the link? 

Its a DOM requirement

> If it is only that it can be then be 
> opened by pressing enter, it should capture only the enter key. All other 
> keystrokes should be passed to the enclosing view.

Well, you could register an event listener on the anchor and handle the key 
events there, so they shouldn't simply be sent to the view. 

Possible we could handle only the return key and ignore all other keys, but 
that would be inconsistent to form elements (i.e. a lineedit). when you 
press space while you're in a lineedit you don't expect that it scrolls the 
page either. 

I guess thats the way to go then. 


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