Mimetype names (Re: mimetypes for zipped files)

Marc Mutz Marc.Mutz at uni-bielefeld.de
Wed Apr 10 22:21:55 BST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 10 April 2002 22:44, Nicolas Goutte wrote:
> In the past, it was simply a relative path. Recently, as http has become
> common, it was decided that the system id should be a http address.
> However, it can still be a local path if your file is not public.
> You need a valid system id for programs like xmllint (in --valid mode) or
> such programs cannot use the DTD.

xmllint can do:
xmllint --dtdvalid /path/to/local/copy/of.dtd file.xml
IIRC, libxml2 itself can use a catalog to find the dtd for a given publicID.

Application to KPartGUI (I guess it's clear that KOffice docs need a 
www.kde.org SystemLiteral since they'll regularly leave the user's system):

So, we still should have a location under www.kde.org (and I'd include the 
year just to be consistent; also we might see ourselves producing _more_ 
(versions of) DTDs than the W3C!) for the kpartgui.dtd.
The question is whether the system ID should point to the www.kde.org address, 
or whether the install process replaces it with the actual path on the 
system. I don't like the latter since we can always use --dtdvalid with 
xmllint during the build and Qt isn't a validating parser anyway AFAIK, so we 
never get any background network activity.


- -- 
Marc Mutz <mutz at kde.org>
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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