KConfig <-> KLocale problem

Carsten Pfeiffer carpdjih at sp.zrz.tu-berlin.de
Tue Apr 9 13:46:24 BST 2002


currently, KConfig doesn't read translated entries from some configfiles. See 
e.g. http://bugs.kde.org/db/39/39990.html (klipper's actions appear 
untranslated, although they are translated in the configfile).

The problem is the following chain:

KApplication::init() -> 
KGlobal::locale() -> 
KLocale::initInstance() -> 
KLocale() -> 
KInstance::config() ->
KConfig() ->

In parseConfigFiles(), KGlobal::_locale is still 0L, as KLocale's c'tor isn't 
finished yet. So KConfig reads the files, taking only untranslated entries 
into account.

Here's a patch that causes a reparsing after the language is set. 

Or maybe KConfigINIBackEnd::parseConfigFiles() should try to read the language 
settings before parsing everything else.

Carsten Pfeiffer
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