KMediaPlayer Interface

David Faure david at
Sat Apr 6 09:40:58 BST 2002

On Saturday 06 April 2002 01:24, Martijn Klingens wrote:
> On Friday 05 April 2002 23:25, Neil Stevens wrote:
> > > What I don't understand is the relation to KParts. Player inherits
> > > from KParts::ReadOnlyPart, hence an implementation guarantees to
> > > provide openURL/openFile, but the Engine class provides simliar
> > > functionality (open(url), stop, etc.) .
> I almost see a need for an extension to KParts to make GUI-less parts 
> possible. I'm not sure if this is a special case, but there might be more 
> occasions where you'd want a QObject having a generic openURL()/etc. 
> interface, I'd say.

I was going to object :), but in fact if the part doesn't call setWiget(), then
you have a part without widget. KParts itself already supports this.
But better not try to embed such a part into Konqueror :}

The fix is simple though: use a special servicetype for "sound only, no GUI",
and in case of the usual KParts/ReadOnlyPart servicetype, create a GUI.

David FAURE, david at, faure at,
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