Matrix <-> IRC Bridging

Kenny Duffus kenny at
Mon Aug 7 20:16:13 BST 2023


As many of you are aware the public Matrix bridge to the Libera.Chat IRC Network was disabled on Saturday due to some stability issues

KDE used that bridge to connect our Matrix rooms to our IRC channels

We had been planing before this to migrate to setting up and using our own bridge to Libera.Chat in the coming months after load testing etc

We are in the process of getting this infrastructure in place more urgently so we can rejoin our split community. This is unfortunately taking a bit longer than hoped to get all the pieces up and running and talking to each other. We hope to start re-bridging the higher priority rooms in the next couple of days, then adding the rest of the rooms after that

We will keep you updated with the progress on this


P.S. This list is not the correct place to start ranting about IRC/Matrix/ Foundation/EMS/Libera.Chat etc


	Kenny (he/him)

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