What are the Promo contractors up to? Weeks

Paul Brown paul.brown at kde.org
Thu Jul 20 11:35:28 BST 2023

Hello All, 

As mentioned during the KDE e.V. report session at Akademy, the Promo 
contractors submit a work report to our handler on the Board (Nate) every two 
weeks. There is usually nothing confidential in these reports, therefore, for 
the sake of transparency, we see no reason we should not make these reports 
public here.

Like that, you can know in a timely manner what we have been up to, what we 
are working on, and what we are planning, and can contribute, suggest, and 
give feedback.

So, without further ado...


## Promo Highlights for Weeks 27 to 28, 2023

### Things done

* Contributed to, edited, corrected and promoted "for travellers" web page
* Did beginning of quarter and month housework: downloaded quarterly social 
media stats, rotated apps on cover page
* Started collecting material and info for Plasma 6 campaign and announcement
* Did Akademy stuff
	* Posted to social media about Akademy sponsors and talks
	* Drummed up interest in social media about Akademy
	* Posted to social media about talks live
	* Took notes of all talks for Akademy report
	* Took photos of all talks
	* Organised and held BoF
	* Networked with promo teams from sponsors to carry out joint 
promotional activities
* ...

### Things to do

* Formalise "Let's promo Promo" (Promote Promo to KDE projects to attract more 
* Prepare campaign for Plasma 6 launch
* Work with KDE Eco to help find funding and support
* Find more non-FLOSS centric events for 
  * KStars
  * Kdenlive
  * Krita
  * GCompris
  * LabPlot
  * digiKam

### Ongoing projects

* Finding and solving mistakes in websites and wikis
* Qt and KDE - Discussions with Pedro about collaboration
* Weekly data collection housework, collecting data on followers from Twitter 
and Mastodon
* Daily data collection housework, collecting mentions of KDE, KDenlive, 
krita, etc., from media across the web.
* Carried out daily discussion on FLOSS news for topical social media posts

### Discussion points

* ...


Promotion & Communication

www: https://kde.org
Mastodon: https://floss.social/@kde
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kde/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kdecommunity
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/kde

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