Inactive mailing lists

Sune Vuorela nospam at
Mon May 1 15:07:11 BST 2023

On 2023-04-30, Joseph P. De Veaugh-Geiss <joseph at> wrote:
[Low traffic lists with relevant subscribers]
> In my opinion moving discussions to more active channels like Matrix or 
> Discuss may increase visibility of the topics discussed and encourage 
> participation from the larger community. Such migrations are likely 
> already happening, organically.

One thing to be very aware of though is that it might separate the
people who has the answers (the current subscribed people) with the
people who has the questions (the people we now redirect elsewhere)

Unless we can get the current subscribed people to also move to the new
platform, this might not be a good idea.

Also, being subscribed to a low traffic email list is rarely something
people actually notice, so the people is likely to stay around for a
longer time. The UI of mail clients and subscriptions rarely get in the
way for that.

The ui of e.g. Matrix very much gets in the way of staying in 200 low
traffic channels.


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