Migration to collaborate.kde.org

Paul Brown paul.brown at kde.org
Sun Aug 8 22:24:32 BST 2021

On Sunday, 8 August 2021 20:35:48 CEST Ben Cooksley wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 9, 2021 at 4:15 AM Paul Brown <paul.brown at kde.org> wrote:
> > Hi Ben,
> Hi Paul,
> > Another problem: 10 MBs is not enough for non-shared stuff. The stuff I
> > had in
> > my "personal" folder (nothing in it was really "personal", but more like
> > travelling details, or presentations, etc.) far exceed that.
> > 
> > If I remember right, we used to have 100 MBs for personal stuff. Can we
> > have
> > that space back?
> For quota increase requests, please file a Sysadmin ticket.


> The original intended purpose of share.kde.org (and it's successor
> collaborate.kde.org) is to store files for the wider community rather than
> for people individually - hence the default quota limits.
> (We have quite a bit more space available on collaborate vs. share, so that
> isn't the problem)

This is not a perk or a favour I am asking for. I was using that storage for 
work-related stuff. I was using it as instructed by the Board. I used that 
space for work files I needed replicated on my other devices, or needed to 
share with Board members, or my colleagues, but that were not to be available 
to the rest of Promo because they may have contained sensitive or personal 

And this is how my colleagues were using that space also. Making the space and 
the files contained within inaccessible negatively impacts our work.

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