Migration to collaborate.kde.org

Ben Cooksley bcooksley at kde.org
Sun Aug 8 19:38:56 BST 2021

On Sun, Aug 8, 2021 at 11:25 PM Paul Brown <paul.brown at kde.org> wrote:

> Hello Ben,

Hi Paul,

> I am missing a bunch of calendars and my personal calendar has been
> emptied of
> events and tasks. To be precise, I am missing
> * Attend External Events: List of events to attend (Aniqa Khokhar)
> * Promo
> calendars, and, as mentioned, my Personal calendar has lost most (not all)
> events and TODOs.
> As share is not up anymore, I don't know how to recover them.

Calendars and any data other than files were not migrated over as part of
this move.
Please contact us on IRC and we'll temporarily re-enable share.kde.org to
allow you to export this data.

(Note: this also applies to anyone else who used this functionality on
share.kde.org - it would be appreciated if you made contact sooner rather
than later however as we would like to archive the old instance)

> Cheers
> Paul


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