KDE should rather act then just "strike" (Re: Should KDE join the (Digital) Global Climate Strike this friday?)
Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
kossebau at kde.org
Fri Sep 20 14:54:17 BST 2019
My last reply here due to getting OT, though still KDE related at end, more in
PM if. I need to spend the available time on KDE software itself again :)
Am Freitag, 20. September 2019, 02:00:38 CEST schrieb Thomas Pfeiffer:
> On 19.09.19 20:58, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
> > If you look at history, politicians will also not be really impressed by
> > peaceful strikes, other than looking where they need to adapt their image.
> > The numbers they look at are poll results
> Yes, and poll results are affected by voters' opinion being influenced
> by images of protests.
> Before Fridays for Future started, climate change was ranking pretty low
> in people's priorities. Now, for example, 63% of Germans believe that
> climate protection should take precedence over economic growth [1]. When
> even Germans think that, that says a lot.
> Of course FFF wasn't the only thing that happened between then and now,
> we've also had several temperature records, news of melting ice caps and
> burning forests so there is no clear causal link, but I still believe
> that when people see so many young people out on the streets every week,
> it does affect them.
I fear that people experiencing things by themselves has the bigger effect
here, when they have been struck by weeks of unusual hot days, no more snow in
winter and are seeing the rivers & lakes close-by almost dried out, their
gardens and forests and fields next to their home dying away, burning forests
in the news for weeks as well as its smell in the nose of many.
And remarkably less dead insects on the car fronts.
Seeing/feeling is believing for most, isn't it?
The protests might be adding a bit, but aren't they rather an expression of
the actual opinion of people? Do adults really change their mind (and actions)
because kids are on the street (worse, avoiding school)? Now, the link you
gave also tells that quite some people believe the FfF protests have an
influence on politics. You will also find research that even more people
believe in the influence of the moon on humans. So research needed on effects,
not believe.
And today's blocking of streets (here in Ger), I doubt this will win over more
people, rather enforce existing opinions. (even mean more resource usage,as
people will have to by-pass blockades to reach their destination or sit
waiting in running cars, so smart, do protesters really understand the
challenge, or just celebrate their street powers?)
> > And the numbers business looks at are sales results. If you want to change
> > things with them, use those numbers. Or become politician or business and
> > try to do the right thing.
> > And that's also how real strikes work; business not being able to make
> > business, to pressure business leaders' mind to change.
> School kids not going to school does bother people, as evidenced by lots
> of people having a strong opinion about it, one way or another. Why is
> it not a "real strike" just because those striking are still in school?
Because the pupils are not striking on their opponent or the cause in the
matter, but actually on themselves and the future. They are stealing education
options from themselves, the chance to become better enabled & more informed
How do you want to save the world in a competent way if you are lacking in
e.g. math, chemistry, biology, physics? How can you understand and try to
verify the reports of scientists which research the world and try to analyze
the observations done and their potential causes? How can you understand if
actions & laws proposed to deal with things are properly done? How can you
tell whether the changes you put on your list of demands actually make sense,
do scale, are effective and deployable? Why are you harming the needed
knowledge to once become an accountable business leader or politician oneself?
Striking on education is actually the most counter-productive anti-future
thing to be done here, no? Dump people will do dump things.
It should be public striking of consumption of resource-hugging entertainment
& luxury goods as well as the bad alternatives for real needs, that would be
in line instead with what would be the intention of those FfF activists. Be
out in the shopping streets on Saturday, but not buying stuff, instead invite
other consumers to be informed about their effects and options. Present to
people in perceptible ways the mechanisms of what they do and what it does in
places usually invisible to them. And what they could do instead already now
for the same purposes, so they can compare effective costs (money and
conscience). And what you propose politicians should do and why.
Would that not have much bigger changes to reach and convince other people not
yet sharing the opinion and views? It would impress me I assume, if still
needed. Avoiding school work does not.
What do you do on the WE that is more important than school during work days?
Extrem position?`No, consequent. It's pragmatism which has lead to the current
situation. Where people mix a bit of sane behaviour with lots of insane one,
going for convenience, and swamp and cover those who tried hard to do sane
You may wonder what myself is doing, being so opinionated? :) Nothing
organized to brag about here in public.
Just, I very much think encouraging young people not to go to school is
irresponsible. The special effect of their protest on a work day is no-where
worth their personal loss.
I learn by social media that KDE is now endorsing this very strike. Well, I
obviously do not. There are better activities actually worth endorsing. Too
bad some people think they can simply go and speak on whole of KDE's behalf? I
feel bitter having to distance myself from a "KDE" position, despite thinking
to be part of KDE. (also be aware of the irony to add tiny resource usages to
websites with those additional banners, and KDE now linking to some place
which endorses Twitter & Facebook, incl. Twitter & Google tracking on the
website... not my future but another crisis)
Oh well, next week will have forgotten about this.
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