Goal setting: let's refine and expand

Lydia Pintscher lydia at kde.org
Mon Jul 1 09:46:11 BST 2019

Hey folks :)

Today the discussion and refining stage of the goal setting starts.
Right now we have 16 proposals waiting for your help:
https://phabricator.kde.org/tag/goal_setting_2019/ I'm quite excited
about a number of them. Thanks to anyone who submitted a goal and
already helped get them in good shape.

>From now until the middle of August we need to refine and expand the
proposals so they are ready for voting. Your input would for example
be helpful in these areas:
* Clarity of the goal: Is it understandable? Do you know what it is
trying to achieve?
* Title: Is the title short, clear and attractive?
* Resources: Are there additional resources (past discussions, links,
...) that are helpful in shaping the goal? Do we need outside
expertise? Has someone else done this before?
* Help: Are you willing to help make this goal reality if it is voted
in? Add your name to it. Are there other people in the community who
need to know about the goal? Ping them.
* Reality check: Is it achievable in the currently written form?
* Success criteria: Can we define what success for the goal means? How
would we measure it?



Lydia Pintscher - http://about.me/lydia.pintscher
KDE e.V. Board of Directors
http://kde.org - http://open-advice.org

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