radical proposal: move IRC to Rocket.Chat

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Wed Aug 9 11:05:51 BST 2017

On 9 August 2017 at 10:46, Elvis Angelaccio <elvis.angelaccio at kde.org> wrote:
> On the other hand, I see new contributors on IRC all the time who ask "hey,
> how do I build $app?" or "hey, how do I contribute to KDE?". So maybe
> different teams have just different preferences. So I'm still not convinced
> that a new contributor is scared away because we use IRC as primary
> communication channel.

I think this is the survivorship bias though:
Sure you still get some new contributors. How many are you missing, though?

I personally loved (and somehow still love) IRC, for many reasons
which Eike mentioned. But my WikiToLearn adventure made me understand
that new people are really scared away by these tools. On our project
only, we would have gotten 1/10 of the participation at best if we
asked people to join a IRC channel. No matter how much we love it.

> [...]
> To be fair, they would also choose github over our current git
> infrastructure.

This is a new thread entirely, but incidentally also something we
should also think about. Why many KDE developers choose github instead
of scratch KDE repositories to start new software, where it could
happily be hosted within KDE infrastructure? I have been personally
touched by Paul Adam's words on the sense of community which we have
somehow dispersed with our migration to git, and I think we should no
longer ignore the community dynamics around our SCM. Is our
infrastructure now a liability or is it added value, for new
developers? Are we still attractive? Do we provide value to new
developers, or are we a burden? What can we do to alleviate it without
loosing our identity? Think about it in an open way, but don't answer
here - it's of course material for a new thread.

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