Applications Lifecycle Policy

Martin Flöser mgraesslin at
Thu Jul 6 06:07:06 BST 2017

Am 2017-07-05 22:27, schrieb Luca Beltrame:
> Il giorno Wed, 05 Jul 2017 21:37:09 +0200
> Martin Flöser <mgraesslin at> ha scritto:
>> To me the review process always felt weird and also like a relict
>> from other times. I contributed to overall KDE something like 100 k
> While projects with strong stewardship like KWin, Plasma or Krita
> (*not* implying there aren't others: I'm mentioning the ones
> that come to mind) ensure a continued review and code quality, how
> would you ensure that, without review periods (or anything that can
> subsitute them, if anything better) distributions and integrators don't
> get code dumps of dubious quality?
> I see this as a concrete risk.

I understand your point: you don't want that the quality assurance ends 
up on the shoulders of the distros. And I agree.

My proposal addresses this by wanting our CI to do the work for us. And 
I would say we introduce rules on when an application is allowed to 
release. This could be requirements like:

* translation setup is working
* code compiles on CI
* code installs correctly
* ...

In fact I think currently we do a bad job on ensuring that the code can 
be used by distributions. That's something we don't have in our review 
process but which is needed. And those are things we can check 
automatically, like does it have a COPYING file.

To you this change would mean: if there is a tarball the requirements 
for release from our side are fulfilled, which you currently don't have.

So also here I see a potential for we can become better by changing the 


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