Kubuntu and other KDE distribution's use of KDE infrastructure

Luca Beltrame lbeltrame at kde.org
Thu Jan 12 16:18:46 GMT 2017

Il giorno Thu, 12 Jan 2017 15:27:21 +0100
Adriaan de Groot <groot at kde.org> ha scritto:

> Luca, what exactly are you "Nay"-ing? The former or the latter? If
> the latter, do you also object to
> https://phabricator.kde.org/project/view/199/ ?

The latter. For KDE-FreeBSD, I'd argue it's special-cased as AFAICS (but
you're the expert here, feel free to point out if I'm wrong) it
originated within KDE and not from outside. 
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