[kde-community] Wikis uneditable

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Tue Feb 16 15:54:22 GMT 2016

On 16 February 2016 at 15:01, Ingo Malchow <imalchow at kde.org> wrote:

> Most of the needed parts are already done. What is still missing is the
> login,
> which should be based on Oauth2 over phabricator. If you have any knowledge
> about this, or some code flying around, feel free to send it over to me ;)

This, however, doesn't solve the problem of future updates, and possibly
duplicates common solutions to problems such as spam handling. Are you sure
we cannot do something together?

Our infrastructure fully implements a DevOps strategy, so it's one line to
get your wiki family up an running....

For what concerns Oauth2, there is a developer working on account
federation, but afaik we're waiting for some administrative procedure to

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