[kde-community] Using Milou

Vishesh Handa me at vhanda.in
Thu Mar 12 00:47:05 GMT 2015

Hey Jacky

On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 11:23 PM, Jacky Alcine <jackyalcine at gmail.com>

> Hey,
> How does one go about extending Milou? I’m curious about adding Web search
> results from places like DuckDuckGo or Wikipedia to it?

As Albert mentioned, kde-devel is probably the correct place. I've cced
kde-devel, please remove the community mailing list when replying :)

Milou was created for KDE4, and is currently no longer being developed.
With Plasma 5, its codebase has merged with KRunner, and we provide both
KRunner and a Plasmoid called "Search", which is effectively Milou, minus
the previews (still not ported to Plasma5)

It might be best for you to just written KRunner plugins, if you're
targeting Plasma 5. If you want to target KDE4, have a look at the milou
source code (milou/lib/sources/) and try copying and modifying any of the
existing sources to meet your needs.

Vishesh Handa
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