[kde-community] Discussion: KDE Manifesto, "established practices"

Peter Grasch peter at grasch.net
Mon Nov 18 14:41:04 GMT 2013

Hey guys,

sorry for not replying sooner, I just got back from some travel.

I completely agree that the old language was essentially meaningless
when it comes to "enforcement" but I thought that this was more or less
on purpose: Lax language allows us to convey the idea (do, how we do)
without needing to specify the details and - again - gives us much more
freedom to act.

But apparently we want to make this clause carry actual weight. That's
alright but then the updated language is imho also far from ideal: All
three of your use cases fail completely without a clear definition of
what constitutes an "established practice".

I know we want to keep the manifesto short and to the point but if we
want the language to be precise enough to invoke in case of dispute, it
needs to actually be *precise*.

So, to sum up, my position is to either
a.) keep the language as is: "Legally" meaningless, just to convey intention
b.) make it precise enough to clear up any confusion. only then it
becomes actually enforceable. This would imho include a list of the
"established practices" we're referring to - with links to their full

Best regards,

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