[kde-china] 讨论一下关于重建 KDE China的问题

豐大師 flc945在gmail.com
星期一 十月 10 05:21:36 UTC 2011

同意 blue dark 的观点

在 2011年10月9日 下午6:28,blue dark <darkblue086在gmail.com> 写道:
> 我觉得可以合并,一则增加与国外同行的交流,二则彰显官方权威。所以域名方面最好可以合并到下面的二级域名中。至于官方的服务器,如果官方的速度没有问题的话,我们可以考虑使用。翻译是要做的,这部分是根本。
> 对于我们想要做的个性化的东西,如果官方不支持或者反应速度慢需要较多协调,可以与官方剥离出来,比如搞个类似KDE中国社区之类的组织方来发起活动,这部分服务器可以自建。更加自由。
> 另外既然官方考虑合并,可以咨询一下官方能够提供何种程度的资源支持,倒不一定是现金,服务器或者其他的资源也是很不错的。
> 2011/10/9 Sami Zhan <h.zhan123在gmail.com>
>> 他们应该非常重视计划吧。他似乎觉得中文KDE站点已经很多再多下去如果不弄好会乱掉。呵呵。这个和文化有关了吧,外国人的合作意识确实很强。
>> 当时他建议我直接翻译官方英文站点,结果我后来用typo3并且完全没有弄好。。
>> 关于主页,我总是表达不清。但是大概就是针对KDE用户和KDE潜在用户需要分开处理?对于KDE用户可能更需要得出KDE的更新情况?或者是KDE一些帮助信息。而对于潜在用户,是否更需要让他们迅速比较出KDE和GNOME等桌面环境的不同之处,有何可以吸引他们尝试的特质?
>> 不过解决问题确实很麻烦,当时我就没弄好。但是我肯定会尽力协助的。官方肯定是非常愿意提供的,这个我很清楚。所以我觉得其实可以用官方的?如果要自己搞,shared
>> host就算了,大家募集一点经费还是怎么的?
>> www.kdecn.org有一些out-dated了。transfix和ikde我觉得可以直接放到一个框架里面,没有必要完全整合。账户上不整合问题也不大,毕竟翻译者数量远小于使用者。
>> 2011/10/8 林风 <ihacker.phoenix在gmail.com>
>>> 感谢Sami的介绍,我跟#kde-www的neverendingo谈了一下,他的意思是KDE愿意提供空间以及
>>> cn.kde.org或类似域名,甚至一个新的顶级域名。但是同时又提出一个问题,KDE在中国有几个站点,kdecn.org,l10n.kdecn.org,ikde.org,kdechina.org,有些站点已经过期了,有些还在维护。我们有一个想法——重建KDE中国。但是以上站点都已经有为数不少的用户、文档、资源等,想要统一起来还比较困难,比如域名的解析,如果统一使用
>>> cn.kde.org 的subdomain,下面有 cn.kde.org/blog   cn.kde.org/forum
>>>  cn.kde.org/something-other.... 看似很好的想法,但是解析到不同的服务器可能还有困难。
>>> 所以我想和邮件列表里的各位再讨论一下这个问题,我们要不要重建一个全新的,完整的,KDE官方认可的KDE中国。如果可以,我们怎么组织服务器(我们自己搞?还是用官方的?),怎么组织管理资源?还有没有其它问题?
>>> neverendingo表示愿意更新到KDE官方社区,如果我们可以的话。
>>> 一下是IRC的聊天记录。英文不好,大家见谅哈....
>>>>> [16:02:24] <neverendingo_> phoenixlzx: hi
>>>>> [16:02:52] <phoenixlzx> neverendingo_: Do you know about the new KDE
>>>>> Chinese forum?
>>>>> [16:03:16] <phoenixlzx> http://www.kdechina.org
>>>>> [16:03:20] <neverendingo_> phoenixlzx: yeah, heard it
>>>>> [16:03:29] <neverendingo_> looks nice :P
>>>>> [16:03:44] <phoenixlzx> neverendingo_: thx.I'm the admin.
>>>>> [16:04:47] <neverendingo_> what was the intention of splitting it from
>>>>> the main forum?
>>>>> [16:05:25] <phoenixlzx> neverendingo_: Nothing just...I found there is
>>>>> a "Taiwan" forum...
>>>>> [16:06:15] <neverendingo_> oh, i didn't know...
>>>>> [16:06:25] <phoenixlzx> neverendingo_: So I think maybe I can create a
>>>>> space for Chinese Mainland,even the whole China.
>>>>> [16:06:41] <neverendingo_> KDE-中国 means taiwan?
>>>>> [16:07:12] <phoenixlzx> neverendingo_: No...it means KDE
>>>>> China,including mainland and taiwan.
>>>>> [16:07:37] <phoenixlzx> neverendingo_: btw,where are you come from?
>>>>> [16:07:49] <neverendingo_> phoenixlzx: i am from germany
>>>>> [16:08:06] <phoenixlzx> neverendingo_: Do you know 中国 means China?
>>>>> [16:08:22] <neverendingo_> nope, even though i set it up :D
>>>>> [16:08:26] <neverendingo_> but a long time ago
>>>>> [16:09:22] <phoenixlzx> neverendingo_: Ok...No other means,and i dont
>>>>> want to talk about politics,but i want to say:there is only one China.
>>>>> [16:10:12] <neverendingo_> so you prefer to drive your own
>>>>> webspace/domain?
>>>>> [16:11:39] <phoenixlzx> neverendingo_: I set up KDE-China in purpose to
>>>>> set a platform for Chinese speakers and those who doesnt speak English
>>>>> well...if possible,I want to use kde.org subdomain and put this site to KDE.
>>>>> [16:12:06] <neverendingo_> phoenixlzx: sure, that should be possible
>>>>> [16:12:47] <phoenixlzx> neverendingo_: Now the site is on bluehost,and
>>>>> i have some personal sites on it.if KDE have limit resources,just leave it
>>>>> there
>>>>> [16:13:09] <neverendingo_> no, i think we still have some space :)
>>>>> [16:13:39] <neverendingo_> phoenixlzx: about the forum, should it be
>>>>> driven separately or merged into our main one?
>>>>> [16:14:10] <phoenixlzx> neverendingo_: well,i have no other purpose
>>>>> just want to help KDE community.Of course,it should belong to KDE community.
>>>>> [16:14:53] <neverendingo_> no, i mean both options are fine. only that
>>>>> the current forum admins are already damn good at what they do, and thus one
>>>>> could share manpower
>>>>> [16:15:51] <phoenixlzx> neverendingo_: uh..by now KDE-China has very
>>>>> few users...
>>>>> [16:17:07] <phoenixlzx> neverendingo_: My self isnt very professional
>>>>> though,but if KDE needs me,i would be there.
>>>>> [16:17:58] <neverendingo_> any help is always welcome, i guess. and
>>>>> many areas one could do something
>>>>> [16:18:51] <phoenixlzx> neverendingo_: So uh...return to the topic.the
>>>>> forum.How do want to deal with it?
>>>>> [16:19:11] <phoenixlzx> How do you,sorry
>>>>> [16:19:17] <neverendingo_> is there something like a chinese kde team?
>>>>> [16:20:15] <phoenixlzx> neverendingo_: yes,but not a team-like,it is
>>>>> consist of some person,and we have a Mailling list.
>>>>> [16:20:29] <neverendingo_> sounds good
>>>>> [16:20:49] <phoenixlzx> neverendingo_: Just like we have
>>>>> kdecn,ikde,KDEChina,etc.
>>>>> [16:21:13] <neverendingo_> phoenixlzx: it is basically up to you. we
>>>>> could start afresh on the main forum and replicate the structure you have in
>>>>> the new forum. or you request an entire domain with your own space
>>>>> [16:22:03] --> tazz_ (~Gaurav在triband-mum-
>>>>> has joined #kde-www
>>>>> [16:22:14] <-> BartOtten is now known as BartO_away
>>>>> [16:22:21] --> koolhead17 (~atul在unaffiliated/koolhead17) has joined
>>>>> #kde-www
>>>>> [16:23:26] <phoenixlzx> neverendingo_: No need to set up a new domain i
>>>>> guess,if you want to set up a new completed KDE-China site,just a sub domain
>>>>> like cn.kde.org,or something other..
>>>>> [16:23:56] <neverendingo_> subdomain, sure
>>>>> [16:24:42] <neverendingo_> phoenixlzx: if you just want the subdomain
>>>>> way, just enter a sysadmin bug with the request for cn.kde.org and where to
>>>>> point the DNS to
>>>>> [16:25:03] <neverendingo_> on
>>>>> https://bugs.kde.org/enter_sysadmin_request.cgi
>>>>> [16:25:18] <-- tazz (~Gaurav在triband-mum- has
>>>>> quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
>>>>> [16:25:35] <-> BartO_away is now known as BartOtten
>>>>> [16:26:09] <phoenixlzx> neverendingo_: wait,but we have kdecn.org as
>>>>> main site(out-of-date),and ikde.org as blog,also l10n.kdecn.org as an
>>>>> online-translating platform
>>>>> [16:26:39] <phoenixlzx> neverendingo_: and now i setup kdechina.org...
>>>>> [16:26:56] <neverendingo_> oh, much mixed domains... :D
>>>>> [16:27:42] <phoenixlzx> neverendingo_: So it may complicated..if we
>>>>> want to get a united site
>>>>> [16:28:13] <neverendingo_> indeed
>>>>> [16:29:50] <neverendingo_> is kdecn.org even maintained?
>>>>> [16:31:14] <phoenixlzx> neverendingo_: Not clear.I only know
>>>>> l10n.kdecn.org is maintained by csslayer,and ikde.org,also fcitx input
>>>>> method.
>>>>> [16:34:13] <phoenixlzx> neverendingo_: if possible,i want to set up a
>>>>> fresh,united and complete site cn.kde.org,with cn.kde.org/forum
>>>>>  cn.kde.org/blog   cn.kde.org/something-else...but i cant before discuss
>>>>> these things with other admins
>>>>> [16:35:07] <neverendingo_> phoenixlzx: yeah, that would indeed be the
>>>>> best idea
>>>>> [16:36:27] <phoenixlzx> neverendingo_: So..i will talk about these
>>>>> issue with other guys and get an idea to you,and Hans.is that ok?
>>>>> [16:36:50] <neverendingo_> phoenixlzx: fine by me, sure
>>>>> [16:37:12] <phoenixlzx> neverendingo_: All right.Thanks for mention it.
>>> 就我个人来说,我是非常希望能够重建KDE-China的。只是国内用户都比较分散,如果能把各个论坛的KDE用户召集起来的话,人数应当还是不少的。——并且我们没有发行版限制,这一点更是优势。
>>> 大家有什么问题,请尽量提出,大家尽快解决这个问题....
>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> Phoenix Lin
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