[kde-china] kde.org.cn的持有者打算将此域名捐献给我们使用

Zhengpeng Hou zhengpeng-hou在ubuntu.com
星期六 二月 12 10:43:49 CET 2011

Hi all
sorry for using English, my IM had problem with chromium.
There was a lot of discussion on kde china's website maintenance recently, I
hope we can focus on what we
have now and improve it, instead of reinvent another wheel. And host the
website inside China was one of our
original approach.
The exist workflow is:
Branch the source code of official website into kde-china's -> translate it
and host it on kde's VCS server(now switch to git) ->
web server will check it out from kde-china's branch automatically.
So, anyone would like to contribute can clone the branch and host your
own's, after you make your changes, we can merge it into
kde-china's master branch.

To Funda
would you mind help to migrate our svn branch to git?

Best Regards
Zhengpeng Hou
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