[kde-china] Re: 考虑出资买空间建新的kde中国站

Sami Zhan h.zhan123在gmail.com
星期五 二月 11 11:00:27 CET 2011

I do not have a paypal because people under 18 years old is not allowed by
them. I told my father to register one but he did not do this yet.
Okay, he told me to use SF.net
He said he will support me. But now he say that I should remember more than
1000 English words per day. I hate him , he always thought what is useful
for me to pass the exam although I do not want it. KDE is the most important
things for my life.

I used to listen to him , but now I've changed because a Swedish film called
"Fucking Amal".

All in all , I will do it whatever he said.  But I'm afraid of the VPS
because I have to spend a lot of time installing LNMP environment and he do
not agree.

2011/2/11 Jiahua Huang <jhuangjiahua在gmail.com>

> ºÃ°É£¬±¾À´¾ÍÓеãÂý¡­¡­
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> 2011/2/11 Sami Zhan <h.zhan123在gmail.com>
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