[kde-china] Re: 考虑出资买空间建新的kde中国站

Botu Sun botus在acm.org
星期六 二月 5 03:33:33 CET 2011


现在前端有个 BGP 网络挡着



From my Nexus One
On Feb 5, 2011 8:30 AM, "Sami Zhan" <h.zhan123在gmail.com> wrote:
> 结果就是这个:We are notifying you that your account, or a portion or feature of
> your account has caused an overload on one of our servers. We have a
> hosting environment that we must maintain at a certain level of
> This performance is monitored and balanced by us, however there are times
> when accounts can cause the server’s load to increase degrading the
> performance for all other customers on this server.
> To protect your account from further action you must agree to our request
> for compliance. Please respond to this message stating your intent to do
> You may either log into your control panel with us, and access this ticket
> via the 24/7 help desk, or provide this ticket number to our Live Chat or
> phone representatives.
> Failure to respond to this message within 72 hours will result in the
> suspension of the affected domain with us until such a time as this matter
> is resolved.
> 转发的
> 我觉得标明了无限的都是不能买的。。肯定有鬼了。IX的并发。。。
> 还有空间无限,但是mysql数据库是有限的,我印象中好像是1g还是什么来着.
> 没错,就隐藏在页面的某个位置,很不容易发现。。。嘿嘿
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