[kde-china] Re: 考虑出资买空间建新的kde中国站
Sami Zhan
星期六 二月 5 01:30:23 CET 2011
结果就是这个:We are notifying you that your account, or a portion or feature of
your account has caused an overload on one of our servers. We have a shared
hosting environment that we must maintain at a certain level of performance.
This performance is monitored and balanced by us, however there are times
when accounts can cause the serverâs load to increase degrading the
performance for all other customers on this server.
To protect your account from further action you must agree to our request
for compliance. Please respond to this message stating your intent to do so.
You may either log into your control panel with us, and access this ticket
via the 24/7 help desk, or provide this ticket number to our Live Chat or
phone representatives.
Failure to respond to this message within 72 hours will result in the
suspension of the affected domain with us until such a time as this matter
is resolved.
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