[kde-china] 关于kde4.2

Jiahua Huang jhuangjiahua在gmail.com
星期四 二月 12 09:33:34 CET 2009

2009/2/12 yuanjiayj <yuanjiayj在gmail.com>:
> 老实说debian下的那个midori我还觉得慢呢,arora我后来试都懒得试它了。

我用的是 libwebkit-1.0-1 里带的 /usr/lib/webkit-1.0/libexec/GtkLauncher

webkitgtk 其实已经不错了, flash 插件也支持没问题,
可就是还没法处理 new-window,
即 javascript 打开新窗口的事件

像 gecko 等就有

The "new-window" gtkmozembed.MozEmbed Signal

    def callback(mozembed, retval, chromemask, data, ...)

mozembed :	the mozembed that received the signal
retval :	.....
chromemask :	.....
data :	additional data (if any) specified with the connect() method
... :	additional user parameters (if any)

The "new-window" signal is emitted any time that a new toplevel window
is requested by the document. This will happen in the case of a
window.open() in JavaScript. Responding to this signal allows you to
surround a new toplevel window with your chrome. You should return the
newly created GtkMozEmbed object via the retval.

QtWebKit 能处理开新窗口,但是似乎 Qt4.4 里的 QtWebKit 还不支持 flash 插件。

嗯,貌似原先 curl 的 qtwebkit 打开网页速度比现在快的。

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