KOffice 1.6.2更新日志的翻译(备忘)

shuizhuyuanluo at 126.com shuizhuyuanluo at 126.com
Sun Mar 18 13:11:59 CET 2007

KOffice 1.6.2 更新日志

KOffice 1.6.2 更新日志

以下总结了 KOffice 套件自从 KOffice 1.6.2 (最新的稳定版本)发布之后的主要更新。大多是一些 bug 修复的发布,但是在 krita 和 kexi 中添加了一些新的特性。

# General changes to KOffice

# KWord

# KSpread

# KPresenter

# Kivio

# Kexi

# Krita

# Karbon

# KPlato

# KChart

# KFormula


KWord PDF 的输出过滤器

    * 在 PDF 输出过滤器中有一个安全问题,它在此次发布中被修复了。单单因为这个原因,每位 KOffice 用户就应该升级到 1.6.2。



    * 在表格设计中,一些更改现在将不会需要从表格中删除数据:比如,域/字段标题,描述,文本宽度,默认值,可见的小数点位置

    * 可以不删除表格中的数据,用外部的“添加列”工具在一个 .kexi (SQLite 3) 数据库文件中添加空白列。

    * 可以不删除数据,而用外部的“删除列”工具删除列。

    * “用户模式”实现了:命令行选项用用户模式替代 command line option
--final-mode replaced with --user-mode,然后所有的关系到设计的动作被隐藏起来了,包括属性编辑器和导航窗格

    * 支持在组合框有多个可见的列

    * Kexi 允许赋予更多类型的动作事件来形成按钮


    * 中间色过滤器

    * 模糊化着色处理

    * 增加一个新的颜色化的过滤器,这个过滤器允许在一个黑白图片上应用一种新的颜色

    * 增加一个移动选择区色工具

KOffice 的常规更新

    * 将菜单文件安装进了 XDG 菜单位置

    * 修复了作为未解压缩的 xml 载入和当保存时不显示“已经存在”的对话框 (bug 130980)。

    * 再次设定 LC_NUMERIC 为 C 以使分割符一直标示 (举个例子,从不用逗号)

    * 修复在自动修正链接功能将一个URL地址替换为一个链接时的崩溃:替换选择命令不需要占位符命令,但在一些点的地方插入了虚构的占位符 (bug 139890)


    * KFormula 使用 MathML 来复制和粘贴,而这在 KWord 中被反映出来了 (bug 136711)

    * 与 MOAB-06-01-2007 问题有关的pdf 输出过滤器安全修复

    * 用了自动扩展框架功能的框架需要有一个大于 0 的最小高度,否则加载的代码不会说“最小高度>0 -> 自动扩展框架”

    * 修复了当页眉和页脚的脚注删除的情况下,我们尝试去更改页眉和页脚的脚注设置时发生崩溃的现象

    * 修正 HTML 输出中的 ul 标记

KOffice 工作空间 (koshell)

在 KOShell 中没有更新


    * 公式对所有的关系到位置的整数使用“长整形”(bug 127599)

    * 时间值可以正确地分析和赋值,但不会传送回时间值,这使得时间对于所有的 AM/PM 定义都不会工作(如果 12 小时制被启用的情况下)(bug 140336)。

    * 记住设置 (bug 132462)。

    * 不转换已经被转换过的文档为 utf8 编码 (bug 132462)

    * 不乎略对于输出的新的一行设置。

    * 在 2007 年 1 月 1日,斯洛文尼亚更改其国家货币制,从斯洛文尼亚泰勒 (SIT) 更换为欧元 (EUR)

    * 环境条件:使用值来比较,而不采用输入的字符串(可能是一个公式)。

    * 修复了当图表无法加载的时候发生崩溃的现象,并且我们安装了 KoUnavailPart 组件 (bug 138294)

    * 修正了功能,一个单元的数据值显示日期,而不是日期值 (bug 137752)

    * 修正日期和时间单元格式的加载


    * 在内容 xml 文件和样式 xml 文件中保存统一的字体样式并保存在正确的位置

    * 在载入之后强制验算所有的变量,否则链接和自定义将不会很好地重新排列


    * 更改对话框使用 dpi 像素来替代宽和高

    * 限制过滤器为能工作的格式



    * 增加了命令行选项“--show-navigator”──显示项目导航侧边栏,即使 Kexi 在用户模式下运行

    * 项目管理器:在可执行对象(宏,脚本)上双击/单击可直接运行

数据库支持库 (KexiDB)

    * 在旧版本的 Kexi 创建的项目现在也可以以只读模式打开了

    * 修复了当运行一个不包含主关键字的查询时一个可能存在的崩溃(偶然发生,比如当一个表单包含静态图片的时候)

    * 查询被支持以行的形式来查表域

    * 在查表域中增加对多个可见列的支持

    * 为查表域改善了扩展了图模式数据表格的保存

    * 如果没有特定的指明分类方式,则对查询结果以主关键字域的方式分类(特别在当有复杂连接时很有用)

    * 安装所有需要的数据头

    * 修复了构造 SQL 语句的问题:对于多表格查询,只要“列”不是替换入口的名字,“以列定顺序”就会预先待定“表格”


    * 查询被支持以行的形式来查表域

    * 修复了关系到 QtCurve 器件样式发生崩溃的现象 (bug 139753)

    * 使用一个外壳脚本生成的字译表格会生成在 Unicode 字符之外的用户标识符 (bug 133170)


    * 修正当查表列被更改时表格模式的自定义

    * 增加在组合框器件中对多个可见列的支持(同样对于表单)

    * 自定义表格时,删除旧的查找域概要对象并确认您不会在 XML 文档中保存空的类型/名字的域。

    * 修正“查找列”标签的目录的更新

    * 修复了保存带有查找列定义的设计时发生崩溃的现象

    * 修正当域类型更改时默认值的更新


    * 修复了如果被删除的列整理排序设立发生崩溃的现象

    * 在“*”旁边显示“(所有的列)”

    * 在 Unix 上的 SQL 编辑器:清除撤销/重做的缓冲区(否则 Ctrl+Z 会清除目录)


    * 修正当缩放比例关闭时对于图象框“排列”属性的处理

    * 如果自动排列的标签在顶部时,将其排列到左端

    * 当点击组合框不显示弹出装置

    * 修正在容器里面的组合框弹出的位置

    * 修正对于子器件类型“enum”的属性值的保存

    * “赋值方式”对话框:

        * 增加对于给出的上下文“创建新值”和“关闭视图”动作

        * “当前表单”方式分类中增加了像“到下一个记录”、“到新的记录”这样的动作

        * 更多的设计行为,像“撤销”,将会移动到全局分类中

        * 菜单命令的列表现在包括了工具提示来替代动作文本以改善可读性,并且会以完整的宽度来显示

        * 动作现在被归类了,所以隐藏了那些没有实际用处的动作。

        * 将“宏”和“脚本”移动到了“分类”列表,它们同样支持打开表格/查询/表单,运行宏/脚本

        * 增加“动作类型”列以使在对象设计视图中赋予打印和打开变为可能

        * 增加“执行表单动作”分类


    * 对于“添加列”工具的修正

    * 增加“删除列”工具


    * 修正将存在的对象到目标数据库的复制

    * MySQL 和 PostgreSQL:

        * 修正 Unicode 文本和静态图像的输出(如果在源数据库显现) (BLOBs)

        * 数据类型更好地为输出处理运用


    * 如果我们复制绘图设备,则复制选择区

    * 递归查找 ICC 档案资料并在 krita 加载的早期阶段建立目录

    * 当删除一个对象图层是发生崩溃 (bug 139461)

    * 修正在选择所有对象和调节层时的奇怪行为 (bug 137638)

    * 当粘贴时显示动态光标

    * 修正在呼叫取消之后在图片上文本的添加 (bug 128429)

    * 修正对于菜单栏的复制 S 快捷键

    * 使浮雕滤镜更完美

    * 当使用颜色范围对话框时更新选择状态

    * 删除 10000 像素限制

    * 改善调色板的载入 (bug 138524)

    * 修复了当不令其崩溃的时候关闭 Krita 而发生崩溃的现象

    * 启用加,减,正负混合处理

    * 修复了当呼叫一个被移动到堆栈底部的调节层的层属性时发生崩溃的现象 (bug 138425)

    * 修正水印图像的僵死

    * 图层和选择区现在从尺寸框中得到它们精确的范围边界而不是从图像的尺寸

    * 修正当缩放一个单一图层变小的时候图像的更新

    * 修正当没有选择区时直方图的计算


    * 让旋转图像和旋转图层接受 0.1 度的精确度 (bug 140120)

    * 使缩放的图层与选择区一起工作

    * 确认了图层旋转会以图层的中心做旋转和一个选择区在选择区中心周围展现出来的时间

    * 修正了旋转图层菜单项目不会记住在撤销缓冲区中的选择物

    * 修正一些在变形代码中的回归

    * 改善进度报告:初始的直角旋转现在也将会报告进度。所以现在用户可以立即得到反馈

    * 修复了当运作直角旋转时导致滤镜被应用的错误

    * 也修正了当仅仅移动时滤镜被应用

    * 也修复了在 svn 中没有 x 坐标翻译的错误

    * 修复了当用鼠标右键点击一个未激活的分开视图时发生崩溃的现象 (bug 123500)


    * 修复了当通过 graphicsmagick 过滤器保存两次时发生崩溃的现象 (bug 137847)

    * 当尝试从 graphicsmagick 打开一个空的图像不发生崩溃 (bug 139800)

    * 修正 lab tiff 文件的加载


    * 修正使用 vcomputeboundingbox 的访问者来计算文档 bounding box 的 png 输出[fuzzy]

    * 当计算装订框时不考虑已删除的对象

    * 修正对 tiff 的输出 (bug 140790)

    * 使其有选择性地输出隐藏的层至 eps:这仅与层一起工作,因为对象的隐藏/可见状态在保存时不会被保留 (bug 137452)

    * 介绍一个新的[fuzzy]

    * 增加在 VSelectObjects 数字变量的丢失的初始值[fuzzy]


    * 使文档在 khelpcenter 当中可见 (bug 141243)

    * 修正了如果超过 8 个连续日被定义为无工作时调度的失败

    * 修正错误的[fuzzy]


    * 修正在 Solaris 8 平台上的编译错误 (bug 138148)


    * 修正符号基本元素的缺失 (bug 138314)

    * 当光标已经在最左端的位置时不让其向左移 (bug 138313)

    * 当缩放更改时更改文本内容尺寸。这会导致内嵌的公式发生问题。现在仍然有点问题,但它能工作了 (bug 136636)

    * OpenDocument / MathML 支持:修复加载的代码以删除无用的文本节点

    * 修正 mlabeledtr 元素的语法剖析 (bug 138760)

    * 增加对域更多工具栏动作的快捷键 (bug 139254)

    * 修正希腊符号 psi 和 omega (bug 138545)


在 Kugar 中没有更新 

KOffice 1.6.2 Changelog

 The following summarises the major changes to the KOffice suite
since the release of KOffice 1.6.2 (latest stable version). This is
mainly a bug fix release, but some new feature were added to krita and

General changes to KOffice











Security Fixes

KWord Import Filter for PDF 

There is a security issue in the import filter for PDF, that is fixed
with this release. Every KOffice user should upgrade to 1.6.2 for this
reason alone. 

New Features


in Table Designer, some changes do not require removing data from
tables now: e.g. field's caption, description, text width, default
value, visible decimal places

external "Add column" tool for adding empty table column in a .kexi
(SQLite 3) database file without removing data from the table

external "Delete column" tool for deleting table columns without removing data

"User Mode" implemented: command line option --final-mode replaced with
--user-mode, then all actions related to design are hidden as well as
the Property Editor and Navigator panes

support for multiple visible columns in the combo box widget

Kexi allows to assign much more types of actions to form buttons


Halftoning filter

Smudge painting operation

add a new colorify filter, this filter allow to apply to a black and white image a new colour

add a tool for moving the selection

General changes to KOffice

install menu files into XDG menu location

fix loading as uncompressed xml and don't show a "allready exists" dialog when saving (bug 130980). 

set LC_NUMERIC again to C so that decimal separators are always points (and, for instance, never comma)

fix crash when autocorrect-urls replaces a url with a link:
replaceSelectionCommand wants no placeholder command but insert assumed
there was one at some point (bug 139890) 


KFormula uses MathML for copy and paste, reflect it in KWord (bug 136711)

security fix in the pdf import filter related to the MOAB-06-01-2007 issue

frames with AutoExtendFrame need to have a min height superior to 0,
otherwise the loading code won't say "min-height>0 ->

fix crash when footnote/endnote was removed and we tried to change foot/end note setting

fix the ul tags in HTML import

KOffice Workspace (koshell)

No changes in KOShell


formula use 'long' in all integer related places (bug 127599)

the time-value was correct parsed+evaluated but didn't got transferred
back what made times not working for all AM/PM definitions (if 12h
clock was enabled) (bug 140336). 

remember settings (bug 132462). 

don't convert already converted document to utf8 (bug 132462)

don't ignore newline settings on export. 

on 1st of January 2007 Slovenia changed its national currency from Slovenian Tolar (SIT) to Euro (EUR)

conditions: use the value, not the input string (may be a formula), for comparison.

fix crash when the chart couldn't be loaded and we get KoUnavailPart instead (bug 138294)

fix function datevalue of a cell shows date, not value of date (bug 137752)

the AND, OR, NAND, NOR and XOR functions are optional accepting arrays now (bug 138165)

fix loading of the formats of date and time cells


save the same font faces in both content.xml and styles.xml and in the right place

force to recalculate all variable after loading otherwise link and custom was not re-sized very well


change the dialog to use dpi instead of width and height

limit the filter to the formats that work


Main Window 

command line option "--show-navigator" added - shows the Project Navigator side pane even if Kexi runs in User Mode

project manager: double/single clicking on executable objects (macro, script) executes them

Database Support Library (KexiDB) 

projects created with older Kexi versions can be now opened in read-only mode too

fixed possible crash when running a query without primary key included (encountered e.g. when a form contain static images)

queries are supported as row source for look-up fields

added support for multiple visible columns in look-up fields

improved saving table extended schema data for look-up fields

sort query results by primary key fields if there is no explicit
sorting specified (especially useful when there are complex joins)

install all needed headers

fixed problem with constructing SQL statements: for multi-table queries
"ORDER BY column" prepends "table" only if "column" is not a name of

Widgets, Utilities 

queries are supported as row source for look-up fields

fixed crash related to QtCurve widget style (bug 139753)

use transliteration table generated by a shell script to generate identifiers out of Unicode characters (bug 133170)

Table Designer 

fixed altering table schema when look-up column has been changed

added support for multiple visible columns in the combo box editor (the same for forms)

on altering table, remove old lookup field schema objects and make sure you do not save empty type/name fields to XML

fixed updating "lookup column" tab's contents

fixed crash on saving design with lookup columns defined

fixed updating default value when field type changes

Query Designer 

fixed crash if column being removed has sorting set up

display "(All Columns)" near the "*"

SQL editor on Unix: initially, clear undo/redo buffer (otherwise Ctrl+Z clears the contents)


fixed handling "align" property for image boxes when scaling is off

align autofield's label to left if it is on the top

do not show pop-up after clicking on combo box

fixed popup position of combo boxes inside a container

fixed saving property values of type "enum" for subwidgets

"Assign Action" dialog: 

added "create new" and "close view" actions with a given context

"Current form" actions category added with actions like "go to next record", "go to new record"

more design actions like "undo" moved to the global category

the list of menu commands now contains tooltips instead of action texts to improve readability and is displayed with full width

actions are now categorised, so actions that have no practical use are hidden

moved "Macros" and "Scriptsv to "category" list, which also supports opening tables/queries/forms, running macros/scripts<br>
added "Action type" column so it is possible to assign printing and opening in objects design view<br>
added "Execute form's action" category<br>
Tools <br>
fixes for "Add column" tool<br>
added "Delete column" tool<br>
Project Migration <br>
fixed copying existing objects to the destination database<br>
MySQL and PostgreSQL: <br>
fixed importing Unicode text and static images if present in the source database (BLOBs)<br>
data types are better handled for import<br>
copy the selection if we copy the paint device<br>
search recursively for ICC profiles and setup the directory at earlier stage in the loading of krita<br>
crashes when removing an object layer (bug 139461)<br>
fix strange Behaviour with Select All and adjustment layer (bug 137638)<br>
show watch cursor when pasting<br>
fix adding text to picture after calling cancel (bug 138429) <br>
fix duplicate S shortcut for the menu bar<br>
optimise emboss filter<br>
update the selection status when using the colour range dialog<br>
remove the 10000 pixel limitation<br>
improve loading of palettes (bug 138524)<br>
fix crash when closing Krita while drying not crash<br>
enable add, substract, plus and minus composite operation<br>
fix crash when calling the layer property of an adjustment layer which has been moved to the bottom of the stack (bug 138425)<br>
fix dying of watercolour images<br>
layers and selection now get their exact bounds in the size box instead of the size of the image<br>
fix update of image when scaling a single layer down<br>
fix histogram calculation when there is no selection<br>
Rotation and scaling <br>
lets rotate image and rotate layer dialogs accept 0.1 degree precision (bug 140120)<br>
let scale layer work with selections<br>
make sure the layer -rotate rotates around the center of the layer and
when a selection is present around the center of the selection<br>
fix for rotatelayer menu items not remembering the selection in undo buffer<br>
fix some regressions in transform code<br>
improve progress reporting: the initial right-angle rotations are now
also progress reported. So now the user gets feedback immediately<br>
fix bug resulting in filters being applies when doing right angle rotations<br>
also fixes filters being applied when just moving<br>
also fixes bug in svn of no x-coord translation<br>
fix crashes when clicking with the right mouse button on an unactivated splitview (bug 123500)<br>
File import/export <br>
fix crashing when saving twice an image through graphicsmagick filter (bug 137847)<br>
doesn't crash when trying to open a void image from graphics magick (bug 139800)<br>
fix loading lab tiff file<br>
fix the png export by using the vcomputeboundingbox visitor to calculate the documents bounding box<br>
do not consider deleted objects when computing the bounding box<br>
fix export to tiff (bug 140790) <br>
make it optional to export hidden layers to eps: this works only with
layers as the hidden/visible state of objects is not preserved when
saving (bug 137452)<br>
introduced a new visitor which calculates bounding boxes configurable to use hidden objects or not (bug 137457)<br>
add missing initialisation of member variable in VSelectObjects visitor which fixes selection of all objects ()<br>
make the docs visible in khelpcenter (bug 141243)<br>
fix scheduling failure if more than 8 consecutive days are defined as non-working<br>
fix incorrect effort/cost calculations when calendar has multiple work intervals pr day (bug 138805)<br>
fix compile error on Solaris 8 (bug 138148)<br>
fix deletion of symbol elements (bug 138314)<br>
don't let the cursor move left when it's already at leftmost position (bug 138313)<br>
change content size when zoom is changed. This caused problem with
embedded formula. Still has some issues, but it works now (bug 136636)<br>
OpenDocument / MathML support: Fix loading code to remove garbage text nodes<br>
fix parsing of mlabeledtr elements (bug 138760)<br>
add shortcuts for more toolbar actions (bug 139254)<br>
fix Greek symbols psi and omega (bug 138545)<br>
No changes in Kugar<br>
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