ECM unittest fails, why?

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Mon Mar 23 19:30:59 GMT 2020

Am Sonntag, 22. März 2020, 10:50:39 CET schrieb David Faure:
> The CI for ECM has been failing ever since the tests were re-enabled.
> a-cmake-modules/job/kf5-qt5%20SUSEQt5.12/103/console shows that
> ECMPoQmToolsTest fails with "tr_thread_test.moc: No such file or
> directory".
> I have been trying to reproduce this locally, but no such luck.

Reason seems to be that on CI the target tr_thread_test is handled before 
tr_thread_test_2, while for us locally the order is the other way around.
And with tr_thread_test_2 the file tr_thread_test.moc is generated first, so 
present in build dir afterwards, while with tr_thread_test the automoc seems 
not happening, other than what the code hopes (perhaps some cmake policy 
change since that code was written?).

In general the test setup here seems bogus a bit, as one would expect that the 
two different test cases (1 & 2) should not share the same url for the 
generated moc file and have them in respective exclusive include dirs.

I might have a closer look later tonight, if no-one else would work on this.


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