extra-cmake-modules and FindPythonModuleGeneration

Stephen Kelly steveire at gmail.com
Mon Nov 7 00:14:54 UTC 2016

David Faure wrote:

> Problem 1: "make test" now requires cmake 3.3, which the CI doesn't have
> (it has 3.2.2)
> https://build.kde.org/view/Frameworks%20kf5-qt5/job/extra-cmake-modules%20master%20kf5-qt5/36/PLATFORM=Linux,compiler=gcc/testReport/junit/(root)/TestSuite/GenerateSipBindings/
> What is required, from cmake 3.3?

Nothing, it seems. I've tested locally with 3.2 and changed the requirement.

> Problem 2: on my own machine I get "Could not find libclang version 3.8"
> even though I have /usr/lib64/libclang.so pointing to libclang.so.3.8
> The problem is that FindPythonModuleGeneration.cmake says
>    find_library(libclang_LIBRARY clang-3.${_LIBCLANG3_FIND_VERSION})
> so it's expecting a libclang-3.8.so ? That's not the way it appears to be
> named on OpenSUSE.

Yes, I've only tested this on Ubuntu. I can perhaps try out OpenSuse next 

> I tried to fix that with (before the rest of the libclang-related code)
> +if (NOT libclang_LIBRARY)
> +  find_library(libclang_LIBRARY clang)
> +endif()
> and that works, but of course no version checks there.
> Still, can I commit that?

I don't remember why I didn't do that, but I think there was a reason, 
perhaps related to requiring version 3.8 and there being no good way to 
ensure that other than the file name.

> Problem 3: It requires PyQt.
> Can we make "make test" skip the test, rather than fail, if PyQt
> isn't installed? Maybe like in the attached patch?

That LGTM!

Thanks for looking into this!


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