Review Request: New: ECMAddQCH, for generating qch & doxygen tag files

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Mon Dec 5 23:11:41 UTC 2016


Am Freitag, 25. November 2016, 00:00:41 CET schrieb Friedrich W. H. Kossebau:
> Hi (especially the CMake experts),
> as I uploaded this to Phabricator where no group "Buildsystem" or similiar
> seems to exist yet, notifying you here manually.
> Especially interested in comments on the use of "exported" CMake targets to
> allow linking between different QCH files (also naming patterns).

With ECM 5.29.0 now on it's way to release, it would be great to have this 
soon in for targetting ECM 5.30.0, to gain a few weeks of developer branch 
feedback, before the API and the exported QCH target names are bound to be 
stable due to the release.

Thanks to developers of KDb, KProperty & KReport, where a custom version* has 
now been already added to the development branch, these macros got some more 
real world feedback already, besides my own tests with the KDE Frameworks 
libs, KChart/KGantt & Marble.

So for a first shot feel good enough to me, at least when it comes to what is 
possible with current doxygen, Qt Assistant & other tools. Only unsure about 
the cmake target approach and the naming pattern, as I found nothing which 
could serve as straight templates.

* to be dropped one day in favour of the ones in ECM once they are in and part 
of min. required version


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