KDEInstallDirs variables

Stephen Kelly steveire at gmail.com
Tue Dec 9 20:32:28 UTC 2014

Alex Merry wrote:

> On Monday 08 December 2014 23:58:25 Alex Merry wrote:
>> I think the right plan is to:
>> * port KF5 to use CMAKE_INSTALL_* variables
>> * warn about using the old variables on the command line
>> * when KF6 and/or e-c-m 2.0 happens (whether or not those happen in
>> sync), ** ditch the old variable names
>> ** use a KDE_INSTALL_* prefix for all variables
>> ** keep the CMAKE_INSTALL_* versions of the variables, but deprecate
>> their use in CMakeLists files, and deprecate the use of any that aren't
>> in GNUInstallDirs on the command line
> Actually, having thought about it a bit more (that's what my commute to
> work's for, right?):

Yes, this is better.

> * add KDE_INSTALL_* variables, and document them as the recommended

Not KF5_? I didn't think long about it so I don't know which is better.

> * port KF5 (and the KF5 CMake porting scripts) to use them
> * warn about using the old variables 

There are now two levels of 'old', right? Do you include the CMAKE_INSTALL_* 
ones defined by KDE in that 'old'?



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