Review Request 115752: Change DATA_INSTALL_DIR on Mac OS X

Allen Winter winter at
Mon Apr 21 22:37:57 UTC 2014

On Friday, February 14, 2014 06:49:43 PM Harald Fernengel wrote:
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> Review request for Build System, Extra Cmake Modules and KDE Frameworks.
> Repository: extra-cmake-modules
> Description
> -------
> Let it point to "~/Library/Application Support" as that is what QStandardPaths expects
> This is actually a tricky one - I'd rather have $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/share as data path, but Qt only reports ~/Library/Application\ Support
> So - do we add some magic to Qt to allow user-configurable extra data dirs (juck), implement our own magic (juck), or just change the DATA_INSTALL_DIR to ~/Library/Application\ Support?

Maybe I'm biased to the Unix-way of thinking, but I'm not following why
the person who installed KDE gets to have all the app data under their user.
Or I missing something.  Please enlighten me.

Seems to me the correct solution is $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/share and we need
to adjust QStandardPaths results somehow.  Is KStandardDirs gone in frameworks?

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