Deprecating ECMDBusAddActivationService

Alex Merry alex.merry at
Wed Apr 16 09:58:43 UTC 2014

I realise there hasn't even been a single release yet, but I'd already
like to deprecate the ecm_dbus_add_activation_service macro; uses of it
can be replaced by


for each service you want to install, which is a lot less magic.  It
only really simplifies things for projects that want to install a lot of
service files at once (I can't find any).

Given there are only two users according to LXR, I would be inclined to
remove it entirely, except that we've already released beta1 and so I
want to maintain source compatibility.

Any objections to this?


PS: I also really don't like ECMInstallIcons, which is far too
KDE-specific, but I'm still figuring out the best thing to do with that.

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