Git tags for KDE releases

Ralf Jung post at
Thu Aug 16 20:03:14 UTC 2012


>> Another problem is that some KDE
>> modules do not properly report which dependencies they did not find (for
>> example fontconfig and python-dev in kde-workspace or uuid-dev in
>> kdepimlibs), and again I can't see how any tool can help me there (but I
>> hope I can write patches for this, if I ever get the other stuff done ;-)
>> ).
> Please send all of these problems either to me or the kde-buildsystem list. I 
> don't contribute that much these days but those kind of bugs are what i do 
> mostly.
Well, here you go:
kdepimlibs uses uuid-dev (for libuuid), but does not properly complain
if it can't find the headers.
In kde-workspace, I found a whole bunch of "missing complaints":
- libxcursor-dev
- fontconfig (this was especially annoying, too me a while to find out
why the font configuration in systemsettings was missing ;-)
- python-dev and the KDE Python modules
Please tell me if you need further information.

> Btw. ich kann auch deutsch.
Da ich die Liste ins CC genommen habe, bleibe ich mal beim Englischen ;-)

Kind regards,

PS: I am not subscribed to the list, so please keep me in CC.

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