An attempt at creating a reference for new developers

Nicolas Alvarez nicolas.alvarez at
Sun Aug 21 02:46:11 UTC 2011

Michael Jansen wrote:
> I started to write on a book or however you would call it that i hope
> oneday will be able to ease new developers into our project.
> I am currently at about 40 pages (it is done in latex so about 30 with
> content). The part i consider ready is the description of the cmake module
> mode and before i go further (config mode and then adding libraries,
> executables ...) i hope to get feedback on everything
> - style
> - wording
> - possible content
> - ...
> - whatever comes to your mind as long as its civil.

This sounds like a great project!

Could you put the LaTeX file in a git repository? It will be easier to 
contribute that way. If you use a KDE git scratch repo, feel free to add a 
"don't commit to my repo" or "don't commit to master" warning and I'll use a 
personal clone or a branch (respectively) for my nitpicking instead :)


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