krita CMake module search order wrong

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at
Fri Jan 22 21:38:52 CET 2010

Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> On Friday 22 January 2010, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
>> Alexander Neundorf wrote:
>>> Where does that come from? It's not from kdelibs.
>> Gluon, I think. At least that's what I recall also using GLEW, and
>> there's a FindGLEW.cmake in gluon's cmake/modules. It isn't (presently)
>> installed though.
> What is Gluon ?

GIYF? Amusingly, the third hit for 'gluon kde' was... "What is Gluon?": 

I take it you don't build kdegames trunk?

>>> Set CMAKE_MODULE_PATH so that the koffice module path is prepended to the
>>> existing one. I.e. do that after find_package(KDE4).
>> Not quite. The problem is here:
>> macro_optional_find_package(KdepimLibs)
>> It seems KdepimLibs *prepends* $KDEDIR/share/apps/cmake/modules to
>> CMAKE_MODULE_PATH. Despite that it is already present.
>> I could apply this patch if it is okay:
>> +list(INSERT CMAKE_MODULE_PATH 0 "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules" )
> Or just do once more:
> set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules" )

Won't that cause it to forget about $KDEDIR entirely? I don't think 
that's wanted, just to look in koffice /first/.

>> ...but I wonder if kdepimlibs shouldn't be prepending to CMAKE_MODULE_PATH.
> I wonder too.
> In general, installing cmake modules is very "costly", in the sense that by
> installing it you actually install a public interface which you (not you, the
> general you) should keep compatible etc.
> The same goes for manipulating CMAKE_MODULE_PATH. Now, with the experience we
> have with KDE 4.x, I probably wouldn't manipulate CMAKE_MODULE_PATH again
> hidden in some module :-/
> But I think we can't change this anymore, since this could break source
> compatility.
> Maybe we could do if somebody requests KDE>= 4.5 or something.

Hmm, true. Well, anyway, I don't think I would necessarily remove it, 
just not put it first... same as FindKDE4.

Okay, any koffice folks, would it be okay to apply the patch in my 
previous message (or something comparable)?

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