
Alexander Neundorf neundorf at kde.org
Wed Sep 2 19:24:35 CEST 2009

On Wednesday 02 September 2009, Dario Freddi wrote:
> SVN commit 1018860 by dafre:
> Fix installation prefix, still need to spit a warning
>  M  +4 -1      FindPolkitQt.cmake

CMake files which go into kdelibs/cmake/modules/ must follow the commit policy 
we have for them: http://techbase.kde.org/Policies/CMake_Commit_Policy , §7 
says "All patches must follow the coding style for CMake files in KDE.", 
which is here: http://techbase.kde.org/Policies/CMake_Coding_Style

The PK stuff does not follow these rules.
There are several issues, please fix them:

* it works only if pkg_config works:

* it doesn't use a special prefix for the pkg_config variables, this can break 
stuff and lead to ugly effects: 

* I missed the point where the new files were posted for review on 
kde-buildsystem (maybe due to my vacation ?)

Some things which should be improved (but which are not in the style guide, 
but maybe should be):

* please license the cmake files under BSD license, as all other our cmake 
files are (reason: cmake is completely BSD licensed, no GPL/LGPL-licensed 
files will be accepted into cmake cvs)

* please use the find_package_handle_standard_args() macro, if there are no 
real reasons against using it

* what's up with POLICY_FILES_INSTALL_DIR and 
dbus_add_activation_system_service() ? They are not documented and they don't 
follow the naming conventions, i.e. they don't start with "POLKITQT_"


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