Problem with dependencies

Michael Jansen kde at
Tue Oct 27 16:42:26 CET 2009


Because of some qt problem i had to deactivate Nepomuk. 

It is a optional dependency in kdebase/runtime. Specifying -DWITH_Nepomuk=0 
worked (I have nepomuk compiled. onto2vocab... just crashes on execution).

It is only on the first glimpse an optional dependence in kdepim. Therefore 
compiling kdepim with -DWITH_Nepomuk fails because it still tries to use 

The first problem is that kdepim tries to find Nepomuk twice:


>  macro_optional_find_package(Soprano)
 > macro_log_feature(Soprano_FOUND "Soprano" "Semantic Desktop Storing" 
"" FALSE "" "Soprano is needed for Nepomuk")

>  macro_optional_find_package(Nepomuk)
 > macro_log_feature(Nepomuk_FOUND "Nepomuk" "The Nepomuk libraries" 
"" FALSE "" "Nepomuk extends the search and tagging 
functionalities in KMail and Akonadi")


> find_package(Soprano)
> macro_log_feature(Soprano_FOUND "Soprano" "Semantic Desktop Storing" 
"" FALSE "" "Soprano is needed for Nepomuk")

> find_package(Nepomuk)
> macro_log_feature(Nepomuk_FOUND "Nepomuk" "The Nepomuk libraries" 
"" FALSE "" "Nepomuk extends the search and tagging 
functionalities in KMail and Akonadi")

Which essentially means it's not optional in the sense i can't disable it when 
i have it installed.

When fixing that problem locally i encountered two other problems. 

First a kdepim developer objecting to my change because Nepomuk already is 
optional in his opinion. I think we have a problem with people understanding 
the use case for macro_optional_find_package .

Second It still doesn't compile because akonadiconsole these days has a ui file 
referencing some Nepomuk Widget.

Which leads me to the main point of this mail. We need additional automatic 
builds imho. Builds that make sure all these optional packages are really 
optional. Developers (me included) tend to compile only the everything enabled 
version. Is there any chance on getting these?

All this is unrelated to the question if nepomuk should be hard dependency for 
kdepim. tmcguire said it doesn't really work without anymore. Posts to mailing 
lists would cease to work if nepomuk is disabled. Which btw. means this email 
should not reach the mailing list :-)


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