[PATCH] akonadi can't be built in kdesupport

Christophe Giboudeaux cgiboudeaux at gmail.com
Sat Jun 13 01:20:04 CEST 2009

On Saturday 13 June 2009 00:49:57 Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> Slightly over-dramatic, but...
> I've gotten tired of having to bootstrap kdesupport because akonadi
> thinks it doesn't exist inside of there. I don't think this used to
> happen, but for some time it has been impossible to build (or even
> configure!) kdesupport after nuking the KDE install directory (which I
> have been doing often due to katepart continually breaking).
> Patch below fixes it. I will commit this in 1-2 weeks if I don't hear
> otherwise. (But please let me know if I can commit sooner!)
> Index: akonadi/cmake/modules/FindSoprano.cmake

If Soprano wasn't found, we're already checking if we're currently building 
kdesupport or just kdesupport/akonadi.

The code is in akonadi/CMakeLists.txt :

#### Soprano ####

# There are different cases :
# 1/ Soprano is already installed on the system, we use it
# 2/ Soprano is not installed but we're actually building kdesupport
# 3/ Soprano wasn't found and we're not building kdesupport.
# Only the 3rd case should display an error.

if (NOT Soprano_FOUND)
    message(STATUS "Soprano is needed to build Akonadi but is not installed 
yet. Let's use the source and build dirs instead.")
    set (SOPRANO_INCLUDE_DIR ${KDESupport_SOURCE_DIR}/soprano)
${KDESupport_BINARY_DIR}/soprano/soprano/libsoprano.so) # Doesn't exist yet.
    set (Soprano_FOUND TRUE)
endif (NOT Soprano_FOUND)

macro_log_feature(Soprano_FOUND "Soprano" "Semantic Desktop Storing" "" TRUE 
"" "Soprano is required to build Akonadi")

Please post the CMake log to see what happens.

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