
Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sat Jul 18 11:50:43 CEST 2009

On 18.07.09 03:01:31, Aleix Pol wrote:
> hi,
> I've hit a problem when compiling a KDevelop test using gold. If we use the
> usual ld it works fine but with gold it requires all the libraries to be
> specified. As for what Andreas told me, it looks like linking against the
> language would be enough to get the links for the shell and project (since
> language links both of them), but my host seems to disagree.

Actually the other way around, shell links against language and project,
so linking the test against shell should be enough due to the

A while back I've posted a simple cmake project that tries to do
something similar, but Andreas Hartmetz (the one who did use gold back
then and had problems with kdevelop) didn't try it yet with gold.

See: http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-buildsystem&m=124527551109094&w=2
Would be cool if you could test that, if it works, we have a problem
somewhere in kdevplatform, though I'm not sure where :(


Cold hands, no gloves.

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