KdePimlibs overriding CMAKE_MODULE_PATH

Christophe Giboudeaux cgiboudeaux at gmail.com
Wed Jul 15 22:17:27 CEST 2009


On Monday 15 June 2009 20:08:14 Alexander Neundorf wrote:

> Some general notes:
> -modifying CMAKE_MODULE_PATH is only necessary for installed cmake modules
> -every installed cmake module (at least from kdelibs) has to be kept
> compatible at least until the end of KDE4,
> -so in general, we shouldn't install too many such modules
> -more specifically, if possible, modules beside kdelibs should not install
> such cmake modules, but kdepimlibs is also a "libs" module, so it is
> somewhat special
> -kdepimlibs installs only 5 cmake modules, do you really get some conflict
> there ?
> So what do we do ?
> Changing the order can be a source incompatible change, but it could also
> be interpreted as a bug fix. But if we append it instead of prepend it, we
> can never be sure that we actually get the cmake modules we want.
> Maybe CMAKE_MODULE_PATH shouldn't be modified at all and
> find_package(KdepimLibs) should just set a KDEPIMLIBS_MODULE_DIR variable,
> and the user has to use this to set CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ?
> This would lead to the rule that the only cmake module in KDE svn which
> modifies CMAKE_MODULE_PATH is FindKDE4Internal.cmake, i.e.
> find_package(KDE4).
> This would indead be a source incompatible change, and as such actually not
> possible at all.
> But at least right now there are not that many modules which do that, so
> maybe this could be the last chance before we go with a maybe bad policy
> into the longer KDE4 series...
> Comments ?
Was something decided about that ? 

For testing purpose, I changed the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH order a few weeks ago. No 
trunk user nor distro packager complained nor noticed.

It's time to take a decision before 4.3 gets released.

Revert to set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${KDEPIMLIBS_DATA_DIR}/cmake/modules" 

create KDEPIMLIBS_MODULE_DIR ? (patch is attached)

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