FindPulseAudio insufficient

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at
Tue Jan 13 23:20:34 CET 2009

Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> I've had a kdemultimedia build failure for a while. The problem is that 
> pulse-mainloop-glib is not added to the libraries to link.
> How should this be fixed? Should FindPulseAudio.cmake look for it, or 
> should there be a (mouthful!) FindPulseAudioMainloopGlib.cmake? (FWIW, 
> there is a separate .pc for pulse-mainloop-glib.)

I should add that phonon (kdebase/runtime/phonon/kded-module) uses only 
pulse; pulse-mainloop-glib seems to only be needed by kmix. (These are 
actually the only two PA users that I I see in my almost-complete (no 
extragear though) checkout.)

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