Old style headers

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sun Jun 15 23:29:27 CEST 2008

On 15.06.08 16:56:33, Allen Winter wrote:
> On Sunday 15 June 2008 16:15:38 David Johnson wrote:
> > 
> > p.s. I did not realize that the old style lowercase headers were a political 
> > issue. I apologize for bringing up this topic. Shall I revert the few changes 
> > I have made?
> > 
> Don't revert.
> This isn't a political issue... well it is sorta.  Some people don't
> like using the forwarding headers were they aren't required
> because that makes compiling slower.
> But is an issue of having to take the time to fix something
> that shouldn't need fixing.
> I wonder if their is a simple "if(FreeBSD)"  hack we can put
> high up in the buildsystem to alleviate this problem??

Well, the following woud work as long as nobody uses 

#include <QtCore/qobject.h>

or similar. In our FindQt4.cmake the include-dir needs to get the order:


which would result in:


for David.

Cc'ing buildsystem to ask wether that (re-ordering the include paths so
that the general Qt4-includedir is after those for the individual
modules)might be feasible.


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