FindAutomoc4 doesn't find automoc when installing in different dir

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sat Jul 12 00:53:34 CEST 2008


for some test-project I just executed cmake as "cmake .." in
<project>/build. The CMakeLists.txt contains a find_package(KDE4), but
this fails because automoc4 isn't found.

As far as I can see FindAutomoc4 makes it impossible to install automoc4
into a different prefix than any package that depends on it (i.e. any
KDE4 package). So I can't install for example "mysmallkde4app" into
$HOME/kde4 when automoc4 is installed in /usr. 

At least a Automoc4_DIR variable or such should be supported, so one can
tell FindAutomoc4 where to look for the Automoc4Config.cmake file.


Better hope the life-inspector doesn't come around while you have your
life in such a mess.

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