Problems with path search order

Albert Astals Cid aacid at
Mon Mar 27 23:44:39 CEST 2006

Hi, the attached patch fixes problems i had with cmake not searching my 
correct, (it found kde3 libkdecore on /usr/lib64) i think the 
patch is correct, because if you have kdelibs outside what 
KDE4_LIB_INSTALL_DIR says you are in deep trouble. 

As a suggestion i think it could be good improving cmake so that it is able of 
using the suggested path as first path and then the other paths in the order 
mentioned on the man page, i see not sense in letting the "program" provide a 
path to look for but it beign the least significant path.


P.S: The patch is against kdelibs4_snapshtot
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