Build problems with cmake / msvc2005

William A. Hoffman billlist at
Fri Mar 17 21:38:39 CET 2006

At 11:56 AM 3/17/2006, Christian Ehrlicher wrote:

>Why do these problems raise up once more?
>What's the problem to build & install kdewin32 *before* starting with
>We should move kdewin to antoher place asap to not bring up this
>discussion every month... nay ideas? kdesupport?

OK, but this will still make dashboards very difficult to setup.
You will have to always run a dashboard for kdewin32, install
and make sure it works.  Then, you can proceed with the kdelibs
dashboard.   Every time a new function is added or removed from
kdewin32, you will have to remove the cache from your kdelibs build
and re-run cmake to make sure all the try compiles are re-run.


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