
Paulo Jorge Guedes Paulo.Guedes at
Fri Mar 3 12:13:12 CET 2006


I'm trying to build a hello world kde4 application based on the cmake
files of kdebase.
I'm having a problem with finding KDE4. kde-config gives me this:

$ kde-config.exe --version
Qt: 4.1.0
KDE: 3.9.02 (>= 20050906 DONTPORT)
kde-config: 1.0

But FindKDE4.cmake can't find my KDE4:

-- Check for working CXX compiler: c:/mingw/bin/g++.exe -- works
-- datadir: C;/Documents and Settings/pjguedes/.kde/share/apps/
Could not find KDE4
-- Configuring done

I have only kdelibs installed, perhaps isn't enough? Or maybe I
shouldn't use kdebase "cmake" dir?

Sorry if this is a silly question.


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