[Kde-bindings] [PyQt] Undefined "typeinfo" for KDEDModule while trying to create PtKF5

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Thu Apr 21 17:55:50 UTC 2016

On 21 Apr 2016, at 6:48 pm, Shaheed Haque <srhaque at theiet.org> wrote:
> Phil,
> That was the problem:
> $ python
> ...
> >>> from PyQt5 import QtCore
> >>> from PyQt5 import QtDBus
> >>> from PyKF5 import KDBusAddons
> >>> help(KDBusAddons)
> ...etc...
> >>> 

Sorry, I'm confused. Are you saying that the above works?

But doing the KDBusAddons import without the PyQt5 imports doesn't?

> As you suggested, I did some debugging, and the code seems to get right to the bottom of sipKDBusAddonscmodule.cpp, such that some printf-debug like this :
>     outfile << "at line " << __LINE__ << "\n" <<
>     " QtCore: " << sipModuleAPI_KDBusAddons_QtCore <<
>     " QtDbus: " << sipModuleAPI_KDBusAddons_QtDBus <<
>         " sipModule: " << sipModule << "\n";
>     SIP_MODULE_RETURN(sipModule);
> }
> emits *some* values:
>  QtCore: 0x7f0027642c20 QtDbus: 0x7f0027197540 sipModule: 0x7f00307c6e88
> even in the error case. Is there some way to make the user experience more robust in this regard? (I'm going to poke around the PyImport_xxx APIs, but I assume there is a reason behind what is done at present?).

Python2 is much worse at reporting import failures than Python3.


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