[Kde-bindings] Qyoto issues - QPainter, QSvgGenerator

Ruth Ivimey-Cook ruth at ivimey.org
Fri Feb 1 20:48:31 UTC 2013

> Could you please explain what you mean by "predicate the paintScene 
> code"? Did you mean you had to add the Q_SLOT attribute? If so, for 
> now it is necessary to decorate all slots with that because Qyoto 
> needs to send the slots to Qt so it needs to know which they are.
No... I just I had to put an if ( this.Visible) { } around the code that 
creates the Scene.

The paint code does scene.clear() then adds lots of QGraphicsItems to it.

The problem I was trying to fix appeared in some subsidiary code: there 
was another if() around some code that painted a small part of the 
scene, and the if() checked whether the structures needed to do this 
were set (yet). The error was an AccessViolation while doing this check: 
"if (rect == null)", where "rect" was a local variable.

I haven't yet sorted some other issues connected with my translation of 
python xml code into system.xml so I haven't yet determined the paint 
code works ok with "good" data structures... hopefully it will.

>     About readSettings: I'm working on QSvgGenerator right now, I'll 
> check that when I'm done.
Many thanks for your help,


Software Manager&   Engineer
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