[Kde-bindings] Qyoto issues - QPainter, QSvgGenerator

Dimitar Dobrev dpldobrev at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 1 19:37:39 UTC 2013

    Yes, thank you. Any help is appreciated.
    Could you please explain what you mean by "predicate the paintScene code"? Did you mean you had to add the Q_SLOT attribute? If so, for now it is necessary to decorate all slots with that because Qyoto needs to send the slots to Qt so it needs to know which they are.
    About readSettings: I'm working on QSvgGenerator right now, I'll check that when I'm done.


 From: Ruth Ivimey-Cook <ruth at ivimey.org>
To: KDE bindings for other programming languages <kde-bindings at kde.org> 
Sent: Friday, February 1, 2013 8:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Kde-bindings] Qyoto issues - QPainter, QSvgGenerator

Ruth Ivimey-Cook wrote:

Dimitar Dobrev wrote:
>>    Could you try decorating your Main method with the [STAThread] attribute?
It already is... I almost included it, but here it is now:
By commenting out the readSettings code I've got it to create a mainwindow now... 

There is a strangeness to report. I am defining a new widget
    MapWidget and the main init code copies View menu settings to the
    widget on startup. If the map widget sees a change from it's
    internal value it calls paintScene to update the GraphicsItemView it
    uses. When running in PyQt this all worked fine, but in Qyoto I had
    to predicate the paintScene code on the widget being Visible. I
    think the problem is that some functions don't like being called too
    soon, and if they are they zap memory somewhere. Too soon meaning
    before the Main Exec has run...

I can delve if needed.


Software Manager & Engineer
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